Downloads » Tenders
- Bid for Purchase of Feed ingredient for live stock in SCSP Cell-Reg
- Renovation of Sheep Shed at Hurla Sector ( Size: 40 fit X 20fit )
- संस्थान के बकरी सेक्टर पर बकरी चराई से सम्बन्धित कार्य अनुबन्ध हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी बिड करने बाबत्।
- संस्थान में विधुत संचालन से संबंधित कार्य को अनुबंध हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी बिड करने बाबत्।
- Tender "Facility Management Service - Outcome Based at ARC, CSWRI, Bikaner
- Regarding completion of all types of gardening related work under the garden section of the institute on contract basis
- Culled Animal Contract Extension from 15.01.2025 to 14.03.2025 officer order-Reg
- संस्थान के किसान हाॅस्टल की आन्तरिक सुरक्षा एवं रख-रखाव एवं हाउस किपिंग तथा मैस संचालन आदि से सम्बन्धित कार्य अनुन्ध जारी निविदा
- Tender "Facility Management Service - Outcome Based at ARC, CSWRI, Bikaner
- संस्थान में संस्थान के नकारा / अतिरिक्त जानवरों (भेड़, मेढ़ा, बकरा, बकरी) को उठाने/निष्पादन से संबन्धित अनुबन्ध हेतु जारी निविदा
- Tender for printing rate contract basis w.e.f. 25.10.2024 to 24.10.2025
- Tender for Security Manpower Service (Version 2.0) -Office/Commercial/Institutions/ Residential
- Tender "Facility Management Service- Manpower based (Version 2) - Healthcare; O&M of Civil Work;
- संस्थान में मेनपावर उपलब्ध कराने से संबंधित अनुबंध हेतु जैम पोर्टल जारी बिड करने बाबत
- संस्थान में विधुत के संचालन से संबंधित कार्य को अनुबंध हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी बिड की अवधि बढाने बाबत
- Regarding uploading of Tender Bid of Needle Punching Nonwoven Line (machine) (GeM Portal)
- संस्थान में खरगोेश सेक्टर पर खरगोशों की देखभाल से सम्बन्धित कार्य अनुबन्ध हेतु जारी निविदा
- संस्थान में विधुत के संचालन में स्थित 12 नग पावर फेक्टर के रख -रखाव इत्यादी से संबंधित कार्य को अनुबंध हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी बिड
- Work contract related to internal security and housekeeping of postgraduate hostel and auditorium of
the institute.
- Jobcontract work for maintaintance of gurdan and various type of horticultural activities under the
Farm Section of the Institute
- Rate contract for Printing work (annual reports, bulletin, folders and ca lendar with Spiral binding etc.
and other Printing work)
- Contract for Repair and maintenance of Sewemge line work
- संस्थान के निजी सहभागिता के अन्तर्गत ब्लॉक 12, (5 हैक्टर प्लांट के पीछे का एरिया) पर कृषि कार्य अनुबन्ध हेतु सीपीपी पोर्टल पर जारी की गई निविदा
- संस्थान के निजी सहभागिता के अन्तर्गत ब्लॉक 12, (20 हैक्टर ईटीओ 6 के पास) पर कृषि कार्य अनुबन्ध हेतु सीपीपी पोर्टल पर जारी की गई निविदा
- संस्थान के प्रभारी फीड यूनिट के मांग के अनुसार विभिन्न प्रकार के फीड अवयवो की खरीद हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी की गयी बीड
- संस्थान सेक्टर नं. 8, 9 एवं 4 पर स्थित हर्बल, केक्टस सैंजना गार्डन पर कृषि कार्य अनुबन्ध हेतु सीपीपी पोर्टल पर जारी की गई निविदा
- संस्थान के निजी सहभागिता के अन्तर्गत ब्लॉक 5/3, 8 हैक्टर पर कृषि कार्य अनुबन्ध हेतु सीपीपी पोर्टल पर जारी की गई निविदा
- उपकेन्द्र एसआरआरसी मन्नावनूर पर 300 क्विंटल Sheep Feed Pellet एवं 100 क्विंटल Rabbit Feed pellet की खरीद के लिए जैम पोर्टल पर अलग-अलग जारी बोली
- संस्थान के ब्लॉक 8 (ऑफिस बिल्डिंग के पास) पर कृषि कार्य अनुबन्ध हेतु जारी निविदा
- उपकेन्द्र एसआरआरसी मन्नावनूूर पर मेनपावर अनुबन्ध हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी निविदा
- Supply of Veterinary Medicines and Vaccines and other consumable miscellaneous items
- संस्थान में अनुसंधान कार्य हेतु किये गए स्लाटर/वध किये गये जानवरों जैसे (भेड, मेढा, बकरा एवं बकरी) का मांस व अन्य अंग उठाने/निस्तारण करने से सम्बन्धित कार्य को वार्षिक अनुबन्ध
- Tender- Auction for Cutting off/Lopping/Pollarding of Ardu Trees in field, uprooting Israell acacia and other trees (Neem, mango, Siras, Ardu etc,) near to buildings, at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar.
- संस्थान के सब-ऑफिस-कम अतिथिगृह जयपुर की आन्तरिक सुरक्षा व हाऊस किपिंग से सम्बन्धित कार्य के अनुबन्ध हेतु जारी निवदा
- Job contract related to the work to internal security and housekeeping of the institutes guest house avikanagar
- Gem bid for ultralow temperature ULT-80c deep freezer
- Tender for Renoyation Of New Lambing Shed at Sector -18
- Tender for purchas€ of Padding mangle EquiPments
- Repair and Renovation of Animal Shed at ARC, CSWRI, Bikaner
- Disposal of old and condemned vehicles -reg
- संस्थान के विभिन्न परियोजना, बाह्य परियोजना एवं फील्ड/अनुसंधान कार्यो हेतु आकस्मिक आधार पर वाहनों के कार्य वार्षिक अनुबन्ध हेतु
- संस्थान के पशु पोषण विभाग के अंतर्गत विभिन्न प्रकार के आहार संघटकों को बनाने एवं उनके प्रबन्धन सम्बंधित कार्य
- Tender for Repair & Renovation of kishan hostel room & attached bathroom at CSWRI Avikanagar
- Constuction of Animal Shed and Animal Dispensary at ARC, Bikaner
- Bid published for microvolume spectrophotometer-reg.
- संस्थान के पशु पोषण विभाग के अन्तर्गत विभिन्न प्रकार के पशु आहार बनाने का कार्य अनुबन्ध हेतु जारी की गई निविदा
- संस्थान मे विभागाध्यक्ष पशु पोषण विभाग के मांग के अनुसार विभिन्न प्रकार के फीड अवयवों की खरीद हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर प्रकाशित बीड ।
- संस्थान के बीकानेर स्थित कार्यालय मे अनुपयोगी स्क्रैप सामान की नीलामी के संबंध मे
- संस्थान के नकारा / अतिरिक्त जानवरों (भेड़, मेढ़ा, बकरा, बकरी) को उठाने/निष्पादन से सम्बन्धित कार्य का अनुबन्ध हेतु
- GeM bid for Electrospinning Machine -reg
- संस्थान के नाकारा / जानवरों (भेड़ , मेढ़ा, बकरा, बकरी) को उठाने/निष्पादन से संबंधित कार्य का अनुबंध
- संस्थान के नकारा/अतिरिक्त जानवरों (भेड़, मेढ़ा, बकरा, बकरियों) को उठाने निष्पादन अनुबन्ध की अवधि बढाने बाबत्।
- tenders for Manpower outsourcing service (Sheep Grazing and upkeeking)regarding
- संस्थान के सीवरेज से संबंधित कार्य को जॉब कौन्ट्रक्ट के माध्यम से सम्पन्न कराने हेतु निविदा प्रपत्र
- संस्थान के आवासीय और भवनों में सफेदी/पेंट/कलर कार्यो के लिए वार्षिक रेट कोन्ट्रेक्ट अनुबन्ध को सम्पन करने बाबत्
- संस्थान के आवासीय और भवनों में सफेदी/पेंट/कलर कार्यो के लिए वार्षिक रेट कोन्ट्रेक्ट अनुबन्ध को सम्पन करने बाबत्
- संस्थान की आन्तरिक सुरक्षा व्यवस्था अनुबन्ध हेतु निविदा
- खरगोश ईकाई पर खरगोशों की देखभाल एवं साफ सफाई से संबंधित अनुबंंध हेतु निविदा प्रपत्र
- संस्थान के पशु पोषण विभाग के दाना इकाई में खाली जूट की बोरीयां, जूट के कट्टे एवं प्लास्टिक के खाली कट्टों की निलामी करने बाबत्
- संस्थान में विधुत के संचालन के रख रखाव से संबंधित अनुबंध हेतु बिड
- Rennovation of Committee Room and Director's room at ICAR-CSWRI ARC Bikaner
- पशु पोषण विभाग के ब्लॉक 12 एवं ब्लॉक 10 पर कृषि कार्य को वार्षिक अनुबन्ध के लिए सीपीपी पोर्टल पर निविदा प्रस्तुत करने की अन्तिम अवधी दिनांक 17.07.2023 को अपराहन 3 बजे तक बढाने के क्रम में।
- Tender for Chargeable spray pump ( single motor, 8AH/12V 20 litter capacity)
- Interlocking Paver Block व Curve Stone की खरीद हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी बीड
- Supply of Chargeable spray pump ( single motor, 8AH/12V 20 litter capacity) at ICARCentral Sheep and Wool Research Institute, North Temperate Regional Station, , Garsa,
Kullu (HP)- 175141.
- संस्थान में कृषक सहभागिता अनुबंध 2023-24
- संस्थान में पशु पोषण विभाग के अन्तर्गत ब्लॉक 12 (पशु पोषण सेक्टर के पीछे सेक्टर नम्बर 10 के सामने व मेटाबोलिक स्टाल के पीछे ) अनुबंध के आधार पर करवाया जाने वाला कृषि कार्य का अनुबंध
- Feed ingredient for livestock Sheep Feed Pellet , Rabbit Feed Pellet
- GeM bid for Ultra Low Temperature Deep Freezer
- GeM bid for Orbital Shaking Incubator
- Tender for Vertical Feed Pelleting Machine
- Bid for Website Revamping Redesigning and Maintenance
- Rate contract for Printing work (annual reports, bulletin, folders and calendar with Spiral binding etc. and other Printing work) of CSWRI, Avikanagar.
- संस्थान में भेडं /मेंढा चराई एवं देखभाल व सुरक्षा से संबंधित अनुबंध करने हेतु जैम पर जारी बिड
- Tender of Security Manpower at ICAR-CSWRI HQ Avikanagar
- फीड अवयव Rice Polish, Barley व Maize Grains की खरीद हेतु जैम पोर्टल बिड
- ब्लॉक 14 (वाटर शेड) कृर्षि कार्य अनुबंध हेतु निविदा
- संस्थान के प्रक्षेत्र अनुभाग 17 व 19 पर रबी खरीफ व जायद सीजन में हरा/सूखा चारा के उत्पादन व सैक्टर के देखभाल रखरखाव के संबंध में
- संस्थान के प्रक्षेत्र अनुभाग 14,15 व 16 पर रबी खरीफ व जायद सीजन में हरा/सूखा चारा के उत्पादन व सैक्टर के देखभाल रखरखाव के संबंध में
- संस्थान के प्रक्षेत्र अनुभाग 12 पर रबी खरीफ व जायद सीजन में हरा/सूखा चारा के उत्पादन व सैक्टर के देखभाल रखरखाव के संबंध में
- संस्थान के प्रक्षेत्र अनुभाग 3,4,5 व 9 पर रबी खरीफ व जायद सीजन में हरा/सूखा चारा के उत्पादन व सैक्टर के देखभाल रखरखाव के संबंध में
- Maintenance and grazing of sheep tender
- Tender for Meat, Skin and other parts disposal
- प्रभारी, पशु पोषण विभाग के मांग के अनुसार Feed, Rice Polish, Barley and Maize Grains की खरीद हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी की गई बीड के क्रम मे ।
- Tender of kisan hostel roof repairing Reg.
- Bid document for UV visible Spectrophotometer Bid Number: GEM/2023/B/2948767
- Bid for Security Manpower Service on GEM Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/2888197
- Manpower Tender at Garsa-reg.
- Tender of Security Manpower at garsa bid no- GEM/2022/B/2860341
- संस्थान के बकरी सेक्टर पर बकरी चराई से सम्बन्धित कार्य को अनुबन्ध पर करने हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी की गई बीड के क्रम में।
- प्रभारी, पशु पोषण विभाग के मांग के अनुसार Feed, Rice Polish and Barley की खरीद हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी की गई बीड के क्रम मे ।
- Bid for purchase of Vertical Feed Pelleting Machine Bid Number- GEM/2022/B/2753529
- मुख्य संस्थान अविकानगर पर जॉब कोन्ट्रेक्ट के आधार पर मेनपावर सेवा उपलब्ध कराने हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी की गई बीड के क्रम में।
- ARC Bikaner Tender document reg
- Security Bid contract at ICAR-CSWRI, ARC Bikaner-Reg
- Publication of Auction Notice reg.
- Tender for kisaan hostel reg
- Tender for Agricultural contract work at ICAR-CSWRI,ARC Bikaner regarding
- Bid published for ULT -80 Degree Deep Freezer Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/2550614
- Invitation of quotation for scouring, carding /combing and yarn making from wool-Angora blends
- DST Tender for ARC Bikaner Campus
- Feed ingredient bid document Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/2477443
- संस्थान में प्रोफाईल शीट की खरीद हेतु जैम पोर्टल पर जारी बिड ।GeM id:GEM/2022/B/2448799
- संस्थान के पीजी छात्रावास व औडोटोंरियम की आंतरिक सुरक्षा ऐव्म हाउस कीपिंग से संबंधित कार्य हेतु निविदा
- GeM bid for supply of Elisa reader GEM Bid Number- GEM/2022/B/2398017
- Auction of unserviceable item -reg
- संस्थान के उद्यान अनुभाग के अधीन सभी प्रकार के बागवानी से संबंधित कार्य का अनुबंध के आधार पर सम्पन्न
कराने बाबत
- संस्थान के पशु आनुवंषिकी एवं प्रजनन विभाग के अधीन बकरी सेक्टर पर स्थित सिरोही बकरियों पर अनुसंधान कार्याे में सहायता करने से संबंधित कार्य का वार्षिक अनुबन्ध
- Bid of Chaff cutter and Tender on Civil works of C/o renovation of ceiling /Roof and painting of Administrative Building reg
- Tender for Civil work at ARC Bikaner reg
- संस्थान के शापिंग सेन्टर की सभी दुकानों को 03 वर्ष के लिए किराये पर देने के क्रम में।
- Notice allotment of shops for rent.
- Reg cancellation of Tender
- Annual Maintenance Contract
- annual contract for Maintenance
and grazing of sheep (approx. 550 Nos.) including their security and other related works etc. at ICAR- ICARCSWRI, NTRS, Garsa
- Tender notice for annual work contract for pasture management of main campus including Hurla sector, sweeping of office cum lab building toilets, road bridge and park -reg.
- Online bid for Annual Job contract work of maintaining and managing of Angora Rabbit Unit
(about 400 rabbits) at ICAR-ICAR-CSWRI, NTRS, Garsa
- संस्थान कृषक सहभागिता के अंतर्गत ब्लॉक न. 5/2 8 हेक्टियर पर कृषि से संबन्धित कार्य हेतु निविदा |
- Bid document on GEM Portal-Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/2190018
- संस्थान के प्रयोगात्मक चारा प्रदर्शन इकाई ब्लाक 8 ; अनुबन्ध पर करवाये जाने वाले कृषि कार्य का अनुबंध्
- संस्थान के पशु पोषण विभाग के अन्र्तगत सेक्टर न0 8, 9 एवं 4 पर स्थित हर्बल, केक्टस तथा सैंजना गार्डन के लगभग 7 हैक्टर क्षैत्र में समस्त कृिष कार्य करने हेतु वार्षिक अनुबन्ध
- संस्थान के प्रक्षेत्र अनुभाग के विभिन्न खण्ड़ो पर अंजन घास के उत्पादन हेतु अनुबन्ध (वर्ष 2022-23)
- Bid document on GEM Portal-reg.Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/2211541
- ICAR-CSWRI ,ARC Bikaner में नकारा /अतिरिक्त. जानवरों को उठाने निष्पाषदन संबन्धित कार्य अनुबंध Tender id 2022_DARE_689976_1
- Bid document on GEM Portal-reg.Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/2183112
- bid for hiring of manpower towards the caretaking of sheep at ARC (ICAR-CSWRI) Bikaner on GeM portal (Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/2150090 dated 13-05-2022)
- Tender Notice for annual contract for angora rabbit management and maintenance
- Angora rabbit wool Fixed rate -reg
- संस्थान के स्नातकोत्तर छात्रावास व औडिटोरियम की आंतरिक सुरक्षा एवं हाउस कीपिंग से संबन्धित कार्य
- Work for internal security, Clening,maintenance and catering work of Kishan Hostel at ICAR-CSWRI,Avikanagar
- Gem bid for Manpower outsourcing services at SRRC Mannavanur Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/1940558
- Tender For ICAR-CSWRI,Jaipur Guest House
- Purchase of Laptop-Notebook , Bid Number: GEM/2022/B/1916387 Dated: 08-02-2022
- शुध्दि पत्र - संस्थान के अतिथिगृह अविकानगर, की आन्तरिक सुरक्षा, देख-रेख व हाउस कीपिंग से सम्बन्धित कार्य अनुबन्ध की निविदा में संशोधन करने के क्रम में।
- ICAR-CSWRI Bid Number: GEM/2021/B/1817203
- Tender Notice For ICAR-CSWRI Guest House
- ICAR-CSWRI Arid Region Campus Bikaner Bid no. GEM/2022/B/1890009
- ICAR-CSWRI Bid no. GEM/2022/B/1866438
- Tender Notice for auction of Angora Rabbit Wool
- ICAR-CSWRI Bid document Number: GEM/2021/B/1817203
- संस्थान में फीड (Wheat Bran) की खरीद हेतु जारी की गई निविदा Bid Number: GEM/2021/B/1814105
- संस्थान में ORBITAL SHAKING INCUBATOR उपकरण की खरीद हेतु निविदा Bid Number: GEM/2021/B/1796038
- Bid Documents(Feeding Trough) - Bid Number:-GEM /2021/B/1787421
- Purchase of Centre Table GEM/2021/B/1699098
- Purchase of Sofa Set (Steel Tube) GEM/2021/B/1678284
- Purchase of Sofa Set (Steel Tube) GEM/2021/B/1674798
- Purchase of molacees GEM Bid Id-GEM/2021/B/1608800
- संस्थान के पशु पोषण विभाग के फीड तक0 यूनिट में पुरानी खाली जूट बोरियां एवं पुराने प्लास्टिक के कटृटों की नीलामी दिनांक 28.10.2021 को करने के क्रम में नीलामी सूचना
- सेक्टर 19 पर रबी मौसम में हिस्सेदारी पद्धति के आधार पर बुवाई सम्बन्धी अनुबंध
- जानवरों के लिए फीड तैयार करने हेतु GEM Portel पर जारी की गई संशोधित निविदा बिड के क्रम में।
Purchase of Feed Ingredient for Sheep Regarding
- संस्थान के जयपुर स्थित अथितिगृह मे अनुपयोगी स्क्रैप सामान की नीलामी के संबंध मे क्रमांक 4(4)सीएस/2019/
- संस्थान में दाना बनाकर सेक्टरों पर आपुर्ति करने बाबत निविदा F.No.6(231)SP/2010/Vol.I/
- Tender for Green Fooder Reg Tendor No-F.No.6(306)SP/2016/
- Job contract for security work at SRRC Mannavanur
- Feed making for Sheep-tender
- Sheep Grazing job work at SRRC Mannavanur
- संस्थान में जलापूर्ति करने, इससे सम्बन्धित रख-रखाव करने एवं विभिन्न सैक्टरों पर स्थापित सबमर्सिबल पम्प मोटरों/मोनो ब्लोक मोटर/जेट पम्प इत्यादि के जल जाने/खराब होने की स्थिति में रिपेरिंग/बाईडिंग से संबंधित कार्य अनुबन्ध (जॉब कोन्टेक्ट)
- Gem bid notice for Purchase of Feed Ingredient for Sheep Regarding
- Corrigendum regarding Tender Document of Disposal of Culled/surplus animals F.No.6(183)SP/2008/Vol.I/Dated: 06-07-2021
- Tender Document of Disposal of Culled/surplus animals
- Tender for Vehicle hiring
- Publication of Auction Notice reg.
- Notice regarding Auction of various items
- annual contract for Maintenance and grazing of sheep (approx. 400 Nos.) including their security and other related works etc
- sewage treatment tender at icar-cswri
- ICAR CSWRI NTRS Garsa में भेड़ एवं शशक आहार तैयार करना एवं पानी के पम्पो को समयानुसार चलाने के इत्यादि काम का वार्षिक अनुबंध
- Corrigendum Letter Reg. Tender no: 2(123)SP/2021][2021_DARE_630863_1) Revamping, redesigning and maintenance of the ICAR-CSWRI (cswri.res.in) website
- Regarding Hiring of Tractor Driver-North Temperate Regional Station, Garsa CSWRI
- संस्थान निजी सहभागीता के अन्तर्गत ब्लॉक संख्या 12 पर कृषि कार्य से संबन्धित निविदा
- संस्थान निजी सहभागीता के अन्तर्गत ब्लॉक संख्या 28 पर कृषि कार्य से संबन्धित निविदा
- Jobcontract work for Kharif fodder crop production related activities at various agricultural sectors under the Farm Section of the Institute
- संस्थान के प्रयोगात्मक इकाई ब्लॉक 12 पशु पोषण सैक्टर के पीछे अनुबंध के आधार पर करवाए जाने वाले कृषि कार्य से संबन्धित निविदा
- Corrigendum regrading Guest house Tender at ICAR CSWRI NTRS Garsa 2021_DARE_631648
- ICAR CSWRI NTRS GARSA के अतिथि गृह की देखभाल/रखरखाव एवं आगन्तुक अतिथियों/किसान एवं इस केन्द्र के स्टाफ की आवश्यकता अनुसार उनके लिए खाना व चाय इत्यादि बनाने का कार्य
- Tender for purchase of Rabbit Cagej-reg
- Job contract work for Division of Animal Genetics and Breeding of the Institute for helping in research related activities Parasite Resistanece in sheep at sector no 13
- Job contract work for Division of Animal Genetics and Breeding of the Institute for helping in research related activities in sheep under Mega Malpura Sheep Seed Project at sector no 18
- Tender for Revamping, redesigning and maintenance of the ICAR-CSWRI (cswri.res.in) website
- Tender for purchase of Compression Moulding Machine with Hydraulic Press
- निजी भागीदारी से ब्लॉक संख्या 5 और 13 में सैजना (मोरिंगा) वृक्ष चरागाह लगाना और देखभाल
- संस्थान के पशु पोषण विभाग के ब्लाक 14 वाटर शेड परिसर पर अकृष्य व ढलाऊ भूमि (Non Arable Land) पर करवाये जाने वाले अनुबन्धीय कृषि कार्य करने हेतु वार्षिक अनुबन्ध
- supply of fresh certified Maize, Moong, Cowpea and Guar seeds
- supply of Veterinary Medicines & Vaccines and other consumable miscellaneous items for the Research laboratory purpose under rate contract
- Annual Maintenance Contract work for Electricity (HT/LT Lines) at ICAR-CSWRI
- tender cancellation note Tender No. 2021_DARE_614195_1
- Tender of Data Collection and livestock Maintenance Contract SCSP SCheme
- Notice of Shop allotment in shopping complex at CSWRI Avilanagar website upload reg.
- Corrigendum -Tender of Electrical reg
- Tender for supply of Sheep and Rabbit Feed at Southern Regional Research Centre, ICAR-CSWRI, Mannavanur
- Annual Maintenance Contract work for Electricity (HT/LT Lines) at ICAR-CSWRI
- Goat Contract Tender
- tender cancellation note regarding
- regarding manpower tender for SRRC Mannavanur
- Tender for purchase of RFID Equipment
- NIT for Sheep Feed Pellets
- Tender of hiring Manpower On Job Contract Basis at ICAR-CSWRI, ARC Bikaner
- Outsourcing /Hiring of Security Manpower (Choukidar) On Job Contract Basis at CSWRI NTRS, Garsa H.P.
- Supply of Petrol, Diesel, Lubricant under annual rate contract regarding
- Job contract work of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry Division of the Institute at Sector no 9
- Job contract work of Animal Nutrision Division of the Institute for help in research activities and laboratory work on the experimental sheep available at Sector no 10 ( kaccha bandha)
- Tender for disposal of animal skin and other parts
- Tender Supply of feed ingredients
- Regarding Extension tender 2020_DARE_567694_1 dated 27-06-2020
- Tender regarding auction of angoora rabbit wool
- Experimental animal meat, skin and other parts disposal contract regarding
- Tender regarding to Horticulture Work at ICAR-CSWRI
- correction in technical specification of mineral bricks
- संस्थाiन के नकारा /अतिरिक्त. जानवरों भेडं मेढां ,बकरा बकरीयों को उठाने निष्पाषदन अनुबंध अवधि बढाने के क्रम में
- Tender regarding for Chemicals,glassware&Petty lab items
- Tender for Supply of feed ingredients at ICAR-CSWRI ,ARC Bikaner
- Tender for Purchase of Compression Moulding Machine with Hydraulic Press
- Tender for Supply of feed ingredient
- Job contract work for Division of Animal Genetics and Breeding of the Institute for helping in research related activities prolificacy in sheep at sector no 15 at ICAR-CENTRAL SHEEP & WOOL RESEAR
- Job contract work of Animal Nutrision Division of the Institute for help in research activities and laboratory work on the experimental sheep available at Sector no 10 ( kaccha bandha) at ICAR-CENTRAL SHEEP & WOOL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, AVIKANAGAR
- Job contract work of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry Division of the Institute for help in research activities and laboratory work on the experimental sheep available at Sector no 9 at ICAR-CENTRAL SHEEP & WOOL RESEARCH INSTITUTE AVIKANAGAR
- Job contract work for Division of Animal Genetics and Breeding of the Institute for grazing, security and maintaince of goats at Goat sector
- Tender Meat, skin and other part rate
- Corrigendum regarding Tender for agriclture work at block 8 ICAR-CSWRI dated 14-05-2020
- Corrigendum regarding Tender for Anjan Grass ICAR-CSWRI dated 13-05-2020
- Corrigendum regarding Tender for agriclture work at block14 ICAR-CSWRI dated 15-05-2020
- Corrigendum regarding Tender for agriclture work at block 8 ICAR-CSWRI dated 14-05-2020
- Tender for agriclture work at block14
- Job work at Harbal garden ICAR-CSWRI
- Tenter for production of green fodder at verious sector
- Tender for agriclture work at block 8 ICAR-CSWRI
- Agriclture work at block 12 ICAR-CSWRI
- Tender for Anjan Grass
- Tender annual contract of GFA work at ICAR-CSWRI,NTRS GARSA
- Tender for Supply of feed ingredients
- Tender for repair & renovation works under SCSP at ICAR-CSWRI
- Tender for false ceiling and aluminium partition under ABI
- Annual Job contract work of maintaining and managing of Angora Rabbit Unit (about 300 rabbits) at ICAR-ICAR-CSWRI, NTRS, Garsa Distt. Kullu
- Rate contract for Printing work (annual reports, bulletin, folders and calendar with Spiral binding etc. and other Printing work) of CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Tender for the purchase of Sheep Shearing Machine
- Tender regarding job contract work for helping in research related activities in sheep under magra, marwari, chokla sectors at ICAR-CSWRI, ARC Bikaner
- Job contract work of Animal Nutrision Division of the Institute for help in research activities and laboratory work on the experimental sheep available at Sector no 10 ( kaccha bandha)
- Job contract work for Division of Animal Genetics and Breeding of the Institute for grazing, security and maintaince of goats at Goat sector
- Job contract work for Division of Animal Genetics and Breeding of the Institute for helping in research related activities prolificacy in sheep at sector no 12 at ICAR-CSWRI
- Tender for purchase of Portable Ultrasound Machine
- Job contract work of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry Division of the Institute for help in research activities and laboratory work on the experimental sheep available at ICAR-CSWRI
- Job contract work for Division of Animal Genetics and Breeding of the Institute for helping in research related activities prolificacy in sheep at ICAR-CSWRI
- Regarding job contract for House Keeping and Security at Kishan Ghar CSWRI Avikanagar
- Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract work for Electricity
- Corrigendum regarding Tender id 2019_DARE_522785_1
- Outsourcing /Hiring of Manpower On Job Contract Basis at CSWRI Mannavanur
- Outsourcing /Hiring of Manpower On Job Contract Basis at CSWRI ARC, Bikaner
- Outsourcing /Hiring of Manpower On Job Contract Basis at CSWRI NTRS, Garsa H.P.
- Outsourcing /Hiring of Manpower On Job Contract Basis at CSWRI Avikanagar
- Corrigendum regarding Tender id 2019_DARE_519560_1
- Regarding Extension of Bid Opening of tender 2019_DARE_5183971
- Regarding Hiring of Tractor Driver
- Job Contract for TMTC Wool Plant Work
- Tender Regarding AMC work for Electricity (HT/LT Lines) at ICAR-CSWRI
- Auction regarding old Jute sack and plastic bags
- Tender Regarding Various type of Fed Ingredients at ARC,Bikaner
- Tender Notice regarding the purchase of Ultra Fine Grinding Mill form
- Tender Notice regarding the purchase of RFID system for animal data recording
- संस्थान में आयोजित होने वाली पश्चिम क्षेत्रीय खेल-कूद प्रतियोगिता 2019 में भाग लेने वाले प्रतिभागियों हेतु आवास सुविधा जाॅब कोन्ट्रेक्ट के आधार पर उपलब्ध कराने से सम्बन्धि कार्य
- Tender for Job Contarct Work of HouseKeeping,Security and Other at Post-Graduate Hostel,Auditoriuam and other at ICAR-CSWRI,Avikanagar
- Tender for Job Contarct Work of HouseKeeping and Other of KISAN HOSTEL at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Tender for Job Contarct Work of HouseKeeping,Security and Other at Guest-House ICAR-CSWRI,Jaipur
- Tender for Job Contarct Work of HouseKeeping and Other at Guest-House ICAR-CSWRI,Avikanagar
- फाइन वूल व अंगोरा फाइबर को निश्चित अनुपात में मिश्रित करते हुए धागा बनाने से सम्बंधित कार्य
- Corrigendum regarding Tender Enquiry for 315KVA and 500KVA Transformer
- Rate contract for Printing work of CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Tender for purchase of Transformer 315 KVA & 500 KVA form reputed manufacturer firms
- Regarding supply of Veterinary Medicines & Vaccines and other consumable miscellaneous items
- Tender for Outsourcing /Hiring of Security Manpower (Choukidar) for security at ICAR-CSWRI, NTRS Garsa
- Tender for Annual contract Maintenance and grazing of sheep (350 Nos.) including their security and other related works at ICAR-CSWRI, NTRS, Garsa
- Regarding Job Contract for provision of chowkidars/watchmen
- फाइन वूल व अंगोरा फाइबर को निश्चित अनुपात में मिश्रित करते हुए धागा बनाने से सम्बंधित कार्य
- Tender for supply of Maize Grains at institutte
- मृत जानवरो की चमड़ी उठाने के सन्दर्भ में
- Tender for supply of Sheep and Rabbit Feed at Southern Regional Research Centre, ICAR-CSWRI, Mannavanur
- Extension of bid Submission of POL (tender id 2019_DARE_489228_1)
- Extension of bid Submission of Electrcity AMC at institute
- Extension of bid Submission of Water Supply and Submersible AMC at institute
- Regarding Auction of old waste newspaper and other
- Regarding last date of online bid submission of tenders
- Corrigendum For Publish On Institute Website Tender ID 2019_DARE_484539_1
- Tender for Job Contarct of Electricity WaterMotors repair and maintenance
- Tender for Job Contarct Work of HouseKeeping and Other of KISAN HOSTEL at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Tender for Job Contarct Work of HouseKeeping and Other at Guest-House ICAR-CSWRI, Jaipur
- Tender for AMC Work of Electricity at CSWRI, Avikanagar
- Tender for Job Contarct Work of Field/Agri. at block-14
- Tender for PURCHASE OF FABRIC ABRASION TESTER Tender id 2019_DARE_482913_1 last date 23.07.2019
- Tender for PURCHASE OF ULTRA FINE GRIDING MILL Tender id 2019_DARE_482918_1 last date 23.07.2019
- Tender for Purchase of Fluorescent Microscope Tender id 2019_DARE_482867_1 last date 23.07.2019
- Tender for Purchase of Projecton Microscope Tender id 2019_DARE_482841_1 last date 23.07.2019
- Tender for Purchase of Water De-ionizer 20 litre Capacity Tender id 2019_DARE_482880_1 last date 23.07.2019
- Tender for Purchase of Milk Analyzer Tender id 2019_DARE_482904_1 last date 23.07.2019
- Tender for Purchase of Ultra Sound Machine Tender id 2019_DARE_482892_1 last date 23.07.2019
- Tender for PURCHASE OF AIR SHOWER FOR CLEAN LAB Tender id 2019_DARE_482925_1 last date 23.07.2019
- Notice Inviting Tender Through e-Procurement For FEED Preparation
- Tender Regarding field & Farm work at CSWRI ARC Bikaner
- Open bid for sheep wool at CSWRI ARC Bikaner
- Tenders of Filed and Farm at CSWRI ARC, Bikaner
- Tender for supply of various types of Feed Ingredients
- Tender Regarding culled animals at ARC Bikaner
- Auction notice regarding Useless vehicle
- Tender to remove unwanted animals at ARC, Bikaner
- Draft revised security Mannvanur- May 2019-1
- Draft revised sheep grazing Mannavanur - May 2019-1
- Amendment in Tender ID 2019_DARE_465085_1 dated 24.04.2019
- Notice regarding Auction of various items
- Regarding Cancellation of Tender of hiring Manpower On Job Contract Basis
- Outsourcing /Hiring of Manpower On Job Contract Basis at CSWRI Avikanagar and its Regional Stations
- Tender Regarding Job contract work for Division of Animal Genetics and Breeding at sector 13
- Tender Regarding Job contract work for Division of Animal Genetics and Breeding at sector 18
- Tender for Feed Ingredients
- Annual contract of pasture management, sweeping of office cum lab building including toilets, road, bridge and parks etc.
- Tender Document for vehicle hiring
- Tender Doc. for culled animals
- Tender for Kharif fodder crop production
- Severage cont Tender for Institute 2019
- Tender for supply of feed ingredients at NTRS Garsa
- Extesion of Vechile hiring
- Tender regarding to water supply
- Tender Regarding to Printing work
- NIT for hired Vehical at NTRS Garsa
- Pala Nivida
- NIT fro Fluorescent Microscope
- NIT for Multimode Reader
- PriceBid for Hiring of Vehicles
- NIT for Hiring of Vehicles
- NIT for Fabric Abrasion Tester
- NIT for FEED
- NIT for Cat-6 & Switches
- Corrigendum for extension of date
- Tender for Vet Medicine
- Tender for culled animals
- NIT for CMM
- NIT for STM
- NIT for SDSM
- NIT for RFID
- Tender notice for supply of feed ingredients
- Tender documents for Sheep grazing at SRRC Mannavanur
- Tender for Ajency man power work
- Auction notice of stray woods (Nilami suchan sukhi lakadiyan ki)
- Tender for cloths washing
- Date extented for purchase of Transfarmer
- Tender Notice of culled animals
- Tender for hired vehicle at NTRS Garsa
- Quotion of sheep meal at NTRS
- NIT for FEED Prepration and other relative works etc.
- Corrigendum for MR Tender
- Corrigendum for FM Tender
- Corrigendum for Tenders
- Corrigendum for MSPA Tender
- Corrigendum for RFID Tender
- NIT for printing publication work
- Tender for different work at TMTC
- Tender for green fodder production at various agriculture sectors under farm section
- Tender for Research Microscope with Photographic Attachment
- Tender for RFID System
- Tender for Gloss Meter
- Tender for Fabric Abrasion Tester
- Tender for Small Scale Dying Machine
- Tender for Milk Analyzer
- Tender for Colour measuring Machine
- Tender for Spectrophotometer
- Tender for Fluorescent Microscope
- Tender for Multimode Reader
- Auction for Gunny and plastic bags on 7-8-18
- Inviting Limited tender for making of Namda last dt 30.07.18.
- Supply of Jae
- Tender form share basis sowing between Bar plants at ARC, Bikaner.
- NIT for Tractor Driver
- NIT for Horticulture work
- NIT for Harbal garden etc. work
- Tender for supply of Sheep and Rabbit Feed at Southern Regional Research Centre, ICAR-CSWRI, Mannavanur
- Tender for Carpet making work
- Wool auction on open bid at ARC Bikaner on dt.20.6.18
- Corrigendom for sheed shwing on sharing basis at ARC bikaner last date extent uptp 11.6.18
- Corrigendum in tender no. 2(45)SP/2011/part III/dt. 11.05.18 to amendment the tender conditions and date etc..No.2.
- Tender for Share basis sowing of seed and maintinance of Ber trees at ARC Bikaner
- Tender for Share basis sowing of grass seed at ARC Bikaner
- Supply order for printed File cover
- Tender notice for agricultural work at experimental unit block no.12
- Amend for Inviting limited tender for raw wool scouring,carding, combing, blending and yarn making on contract basis
- Inviting limited tender for raw wool scouring,carding, combing, blending and yarn making on contract basis
- Tender notice for Chemical, Glassware etc last date 1.6.18
- Tender Notice for Agricultural work at ARC, Bikaner last date 29-5-18
- Ammendment tender notice for Culled animal at ARC, Bikaner last dt.17.05.18
- Corrigendum for tenders (change of dates).
- Corrigendum for Angora Wool
- Auction for Angora wool at NTRS Garsa Kullu HP
- Culled animal Tender form at ARC, Bikaner
- Amend for Tractor contract
- Extension of last date for supply of feed ingredient
- Corrigendum for tenders (change of dates).
- Tender for tractor Driver (herrow,plow,cultivator,lavelar, seed dril,thresher etc work) last dt.1.5.18
- Tender for Kharif fodder production work at various agri. sectors last dt. 1.5.18
- Tender for Horticulture work last dt.1.5.18
- Tender for green fodder production at various agriculture sectors under farm section last dt. 27.4.18
- Tender for production of Anjan grass at various sectors under Farm section last dt.27.4.18
- Ammendment tender notice for AMC for agricultural work.
- Feed Tender last date 17-04-2018
- Auction notice of Angora west wool at NTS, Garsa, HP auction dt.12.04.18
- Tender for Agricultural work at Block No.12 (Nutrition division), last date 02-04-2018.
- Tender for Agricultural work at Block No.8, last date 02-04-2018.
- Tender for AMC for Air conditionors, last date 02-04-02018
- Tender for Agricultural work at Harbal Garden, last date 02-04-2018.
- Ammendment tender notice for Sirohi goat milk last dt.1203.18
- Ammendment tender notice for Sirohi goat milk last dt.1203.18
- Ammendment tender notice for Sirohi goat milk last dt.05.03.18
- Tender quotation for contract work at NTRS, Garsa(HP)
- Amendment in Grazing Tender, ARC Bikaner
- Tender for supply of feed ingredients at ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar, last dt.05.03.2018
- NIT for Supply of Feed ingredients
- Tender for supply of cement, briks, bajri etc at CSWRI Avikanagar last dt. 06-02-18
- corrigendum for Tender of Goat milk disbursment contract 2017-18 last date 12-02-2018
- Tender for supply of cement, briks, bajri etc at CSWRI Avikanagar last dt. 30-01-18
- Job contract work in research activities at sectors at ARC, Bikaner last date 12-02-18
- Job contract work for providing chowkidar/watchmen at ARC, Bikaner last date 12-02-18
- Limited tender/quotation for purchase of petide to be synthsised last dt.31.01.2018.
- Corrigendum for tender of slaughtered animal last date 24-01-2018
- Tender of Goat milk contract 2016-17 last date 18-01-2018
- Corrigendum for purchase of Colour Measureing Machine last date 05-01-2018
- Corrigendum for purchase of Milk analyser last date 05-01-2018
- Corrigendum for purchase of Spectrophotometer last date 05-01-2018
- Tender for Meat of Slautered animal last date 27-12-2017
- Tender for Ladies Toilet last date 15.12.2017.
- Tender for purchase of Spectrophotometer last date 26.12.2017
- Tender for purchase of Small Volume Spectrophotometer last date 26.12.2017
- Tender for purchase of Milk Analyser last date 26.12.2017
- Tender for purchase of Colour maching machine last date 26.12.2017
- Tender for purchase of CO2 Incubator last date 26.12.2017
- Tender for supply of cement, briks, bajri etc at CSWRI Avikanagar last dt. 15-12-17
- Tender for renovation of Ladies toilet bath room at LPT section, CSWRI, Avikanagar last date 04-12-2017
- Quotation for purchase of Knitting Machine last date 30.11.2017
- Invited tender for Tent and other items for KISHAN MELA at Avikanagar last date 28-11-17.
- Tender for suply of Feed Ingredients last date 27-11-17
- Tender for AMC for Electricity & maintinance of pump etc last date 16-11-17
- Tender for Grazing and research activities etc at Physiology & bichemistry division last date 15-11-17.
- Tender for Grazing and research activities etc Rabbit sector last date 15-11-17.
- Tender for Grazing and research activities etc sec. No.13 last date 15-11-17.
- Tender for Grazing and research activities etc sec. No.18 last date 15-11-17.
- Tender for Grazing and research activities etc sec. No.12 last date 15-11-17.
- Tender for Grazing and research activities etc sec. No.15 last date 15-11-17.
- Tender for Help in researach activities and Experimental sheep etc of sector no.10 last date 15-11-17.
- Tender for Grazing, Security & maintinance of goat secter last date 15-11-17.
- Corrigendum for date extension of FEED tender at NTRS, Garsa
- Corrigendum for date extension of hiring vehicle
- Quotation for Clearing agent
- Tender for security at ARC, Bikaner
- Tender for Research work at ARC, Bikaner
- Annual Maintenance Contract work for Electricity (HT/LT Lines) and Submersible Motor/Jetpump/Monoblock Motor established last date 20.10.2017
- Annual Maintenance Contract work for Air conditioner established last date 20.10.2017
- Tender of vehicle hiring last date 07.10.2017
- Tender for Guest House Avikanagar last date 06.10.2017
- Tender for PG Hostal last date 06.10.2017
- Tender for Sector 10 Nutrition last date 06.10.2017
- Tender for Goat Sector last date 06.10.2017
- Tender for Sector 18 last date 06.10.2017
- Tender for Sector 15 last date 06.10.2017
- Tender for Sector 13 last date 06.10.2017
- Tender for Sector 12 last date 06.10.2017
- Tender for Sector 9 last date 06.10.2017
- invited quotations for Rabbitry maintinance at NTRS Garsa
- Skin tender 2017-18 last date 25-09-2017
- Tender for hireing of vehicle last date 9.8.2017
- Extension date of GH Jaipur 0n 19.07.2017
- Extension date online tender of electricity on 19.07.2017
- Annual maintenancecontract of LAN WAN (Wi-Fi) establish at CSWRI Avikanagar
- Culled Animal for Sheep tender last date 10-07-2017
- Culled Animal for goat tender last date 10.07.2017
- Job contract work of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry last date on 11.7.2017
- Job contract work for Division of Animal Genetics and Breeding goat last date 11.7.2017
- Job Contract work for Annual Maintenance Contract of Electricity last date 11.7.2017
- Job contract for internal security, maintenance, housekeeping and cleaning work of Sub-office-cum Guest House last date 11.7.2017
- extension notice hissa basis
- Tender for Security at ARC bikaner last date 27.062017
- Tender for sheep Grazing last date 21.06.2017
- contract for Agril Production on Hissa Basis at sectors last date 16-6-2017
- Amendment in last date of quotation for drivers at NTRS
- Amentment of last date of online contract on 13.6.2017 instead of 12.6.2017
- Revised tender notice at ARC, Bikaner
- Notice for online registration process
- Extended date Driving Vehicle at NTRS Garsa
- Revised notice for last date of various tender of the Institute due to online on 12.6.2017 instead of 6.5.2017
- Tender for Guest house & PG Hostel at Avikanagar last date 12.06.2017
- Tender for Jaipur Guest House work last date 12.06.2017
- Tender for Electricty work last date 12.06.2017
- Tender for Kishan Hostel work last date 12.06.2017
- Tender for Kariff fodder production last date 12.06.2017
- Tender for Green fodder production last date 12.06.2017
- Tender for Production of Anjan Grass last date 12.06.2017
- Tender for grazing work at goat sector last date 12.06.2017
- Tender for Research work at sector 18 last date 12.06.2017
- Tender for Research work at sector 15 last date 12.06.2017
- Tender for maintance and all agricultural work last date 12.06.2017
- Tender for research activity and lab work last date 12.06.2017
- REAUCTION 2017 BARDANA 24.05.2017
- Quotation for repair works at Sector No 13
- Vehicle Quotation Invitation at NTRS, Garsa
- Tender form Sheep Grazing at ARC Bikaner
- Tender form Kisan Ghar at ARC, Bikaner
- Tender of P and B 17-18 last date 30-5-2017
- Quotation for sale of dry wood on 15.5.2017
- Tender of Feed ingerdance 2016-17 last date of 22-05-2017
- Tender notice for culled animals at ARC Bikaner
- Invite rates quotation for dry trees , brenchase & bushes etc.
- Auction notice for Gunny & plastics bags
- Tender for haired vehicale at NTRS Garsa last date 29.04.2017
- Quatation of Rc of Phy last date 14.04.2017
- Auction 2017
- Notice for Amendment in auction of unserviseable items at ARC, Bikaner
- Tender for chennal fancing
- Tender Angora Wool-1
- NILAMI SUCHANA 20.03.2017
- Tender for Stereo Zoom Microscope last date 06.03.2017
- Nilami Suchana at ARC, Bikaner last date 16.03.2017
- Tender for UTM last date 06.03.2017
- Tender for CAT 5 to cat 6 last date 03.03.2017
- Quatation of Rate Contract of advanced Proteomics service last date 28.02.2017
- Tender for sale of Ber at ARC Bikaner
- Tender for UTM last date 13.02.2017
- Quotation for Driver 2017 at NTRS Garsa
- Tender for Thermal Cycler last date 13.02.2017
- Tender for Stereo Zoom Microscope last date 13.02.2017
- Tender for Refrigerated Centrifuge last date 13.02.2017
- Tender for Laminar Cabinet SS last date 13.02.2017
- Tender of Feed ingerdance 2017 last date of 7.2.2016
- Quotation for dry wood on 23.01.2017
- Rabbit Wool Auction Notice 2017 on 30.01.2017 at NTRS Garsa
- Quotation of Image Analysis sotware last date 23.01.2017
- Tender/quatation for hired vehicle in TOT&SS (amendment) last dt 9.1.17
- Tender (amendment) for Vehicle hire ToT &SS last date 28-12-2016
- TENDER FOR UTM FIREWALL last dated 12.01.2017
- Tender for Tissue Homonizer last date 31.12
- Tender for Laminar Cabinet-SS last date 31.12
- Vehcile hire tender 2016-17 ToT &SS last date 28.12.2016
- Quotation for sale of dry wood last dt 29.12.2016
- Tender for replacement of CAT 5 to CAT 6 last dt 09.01.2017
- Tender of Goat milk contract 2016-17
- culled Animal for goat tender last date 29.12.2016
- culled Animal for Sheep tender last date 29.12.2016
- Tender for Goat Milk last dt.26.12.16
- Tender for Lunch in National fair last dt 26.12.16
- Tender for national fair tent etc last dt.20.12.16
- Tender for fodder production & horticulture last dt 29.12.16
- Audit and account work
- Tender for Tissue Homonizer last date 16.12.2016
- Tender for Thermal Cycler last date 16.12.2016
- Tender for Refrigerated Centrifuge last date 16.12.2016
- Tender for Laminar Cabinet-SS last date 16.12.2016
- Tender for CO2 Incubator last date 16.12.2016
- Quotation of work station (Modular furniture on 16.12.2016
- Limited tender for slaughterd animal last dt.21.11.16
- Tender for Stereo Zoom Microscope last date 19.11.16
- Tender for Computer Colour Machine (CCM) System for textiles last date 19.11.2016
- Date extended Image Analysis software 10.11.2016
- NTRS Office Painting Quotation last date 16.11.2016
- Quataion for penting at NTRS Garsa last 25.10.16
- Quotation of radio and fibre decidcatedfor AEBAS devices last date 7.11.2016
- Tender for Water Purifier last date 04.11.2016
- Tender for Stereo Zoom Microscope last date 04.11.2016
- Tender for Research Microscope with Photographic Attachement last date 04.11.2016
- Tender for Computer Colour Machine (CCM) System for textiles last date 04.11.2016
- Quotation for Image Analysis software last date 04.11.2016
- Tender of Culled Animal last date 27.10.2016
- Quotations for Adm sec works at NTRS last date 14.10.2016
- Extened date on 17.10.2016 for purchase of Laptop
- Quotation for purchase of 20 KVA UPS on 24.10.2016
- Tender of Water supply last date 25.10.2016
- Tender of labourer last date 25.10.2016
- Quotation for Slater meat limited tender last date of 14-10-2016
- Quotation for Image Analysis Software last date 14.10.2016
- Quotation for Estate Work Sept 2016
- Tender of Goat milk contract 2016-17 last date of 27-09-2016
- Tender for laptop last date 26.9.2016
- Amendment in the tender notice
- Tender notice for Angle Iron last date 08.09.2016
- Amendment in water supply tender 9.9.2016
- Tender Notice at ARC Bikaner
- Corrigendum for Limited Feed Tender
- Tender of Culled Animal last date 17.09.2016
- Extend date 22.08.2016 weighing balance
- Adm Man Power Quotation last date 01.09.2016
- Tender for purchase of Tissue Grinder last dt. 22.8.16
- Tender for purchase of Willey Mill last dt. 22.8.16
- Contract labour tender 2016-17
- Tender Notice foe Feed Ingredients 2016
- Tander for Institute Printing work last date 29.08.2016
- Tender of Water supply only last date 29.08.2016
- Tender for Human dispensary to colony area under ground fibre on dated 23.8.2016
- Quotation for Canteen work last date 22.08.2016
- Dumba Nilami Suchana
- Limited tender for purchase of Angle iron last dt 17.08.2016
- Quotation for Cloths Washing last date 16.08.2016
- Quotation for Weighing Balance AMC last date 16.08.2016
- Tender for culled animal last dt.4.8.16
- Tender for Culled Animal at ARC Bikaner last dt.29.7.16
- Limited tender for hiring vehicle on casual demand last dt.29.7.16
- Tender for purchase of Texturometer last dt.4-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Refrigerated Micro Centrifuge last dt.4-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Laminar Air Flow last dt.3-8-16
- Tender for purchase of HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) last dt.4-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Anaerobic Chamber last dt.4-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Willey Mill last dt.4.8.16
- Tender for Purchase of Tissue Grinder last dt.3-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Climate Chamber (Environmental Controlled Chamber) last dt.3-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Water Purifier last dt.3-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Research Microscope with photographic attachment last dt.3-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Laminar Air Flow (Bio Safety Cabinet) last dt.4-8-16
- Tender for purchase of BOD incubator with humidity control last dt.3-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Binocular Research Microscope last dt.2.8.16
- Tender for purchase of CO 2 Incubator last dt.2-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Stereo Zoom Microscope last dt.2-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Gel Documentation Unit last dt.2-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Computer Colour Machine (CCM) System for textiles last dt.2-8-16
- Tender for purchase of Ice Flaker Machine last dt.2-8-16
- Date extend upto 20.07.2016 for Printing tender
- carpenter and massion plumbar corigandom
- Quotation for appointment of Clearing Agent last date 20.07.2016
- Tender for Carpanter plumber messon and welder work last date 11-07-2016
- Tender for vehicle Hiring last dt.14.7.16
- Tender for Estate work last dt.11.7.16
- Skin tender last date 02-7-2016
- Tender for sweeping last dt.11.7.16
- Date extend 21.6.20616
- Vehcile hir tender 2016-17 last date 09-06-2016
- निविदा- फसलों की बुवाई हिस्सा पद्धति अंतिम दिनांक 17.06.2016
- Tender for Veterinary Medicine last date 21.06.2016
- Skin tender 2016-17 last date 09.06.2016
- Tender for Rate Contract of Printing publication work last date 22.062016
- Changes in Anjan Grass Rates
- Tender for Electrical AC or Submursable moter AMC Last Date 31.05.2016
- Tender for TMTC Div last date 01.06.2016
- Tender for Sheep rearing work at Sector No 13 AGB Div. last date 31.05.2016
- Tender for Sheep rearing work at Sector No 12 AGB Div. last date 31.05.2016
- Tender for Sheep rearing work at Sector No 10 Nut. Div. last date 31.05.2016
- Tender for Sheep rearing work at Sector No 9 Phy. Div. last date 31.05.2016
- Tender for maintance of sector 8 and 9 Kektus and Senjana gardan last date 01.06.2016
- Tender for Kharif fodder production for farm section last date 01.06.2016
- Tender for House keeping work for Kishan Hostal last date 31.05.2016
- Tender for House keeping work for Guest House Avikanagar and P G Hostal last date 31.05.2016
- Tender for horticulture work last date 01.06.2016
- Tender for hirering of Tractor driver last date 01.06.2016
- Tender for green fodder production for farm section last date 01.06.2016
- Tender for Goat rearing work last date 31.05.2016
- Tender for Feed prepration or Silage making last date 01.06.2016
- Tender for Carpanter plumber messon and welder work last date 31.05.2016
- Tender for Anjan Grass production under Farm Section last date 01.06.2016
- Tender for Animal Health Div last date 31.05.2016
- Tender for agriculture work at sector no 8 Nut Div last date 01.06.2016
- Vehcile Hire Tender 2016-17 last date 30-05-2016
- Skin tender 2016-17
- Tender Notice for Security Bid at ARC Bikaner
- Date extended of culled animal tender for ARC, Bikaner
- Dead animal Skin tender last date 2-05-2016
- Vehcile hire tender last date 02-05-2016
- Tender Notice for security at ARC, Bikaner
- Amendment for Culled animal
- Goat Limited Tender & Qutation extesion date 30-03-2016
- Tender Notice at NTRS Garsa last date 04.04.2016
- Limited tender for Liquit Nitrogen Gas last date extended 17.03.2016
- Revised Tender Notice for Glassware, Petty lab Item and Cemicals
- Revised Tender Notice for Glassware,Petty lab Item & Cemicals
- Limited tender quotation for networking last dt 26-03-2016
- Tender quotation for food lunch in last dt.18-03-16
- Tender Notice
- Tender for Sweeping contract at ARC, Bikaner last dt.28-03-2016
- Tender for Security Contract at ARC, Bikaner Last dt.28-03-2016
- Tender for Culled animal at ARC Bikaner last dt.28-03-2016
- Quotation for Tent or Pandal last date 18.03.2016
- Tender of Goat milk contract 2016-17
- Quotation for Batteries last date 17.-3.2016
- Limited Tender for Lunch dinner last date 22.02.2016
- Limited Qoutation for Human Medicine Last date 14-03-2016
- Limited tender for Liquid Nitrogen Gas last date 07.03.2016
- Tender for water purifier on 10.3.2016
- Tander for ratecontract of chemical, glassware plasticware last date 09.03.2016
- Tender for feed grain last date 08.03.2016
- Angora Quotation Notice last dt.17.2.2016
- Tender for anaerobic chamber Work Station on 23.02.2016
- Tender for Purchase of feeding trough on 23.2.2016
- Sheep Tender Notice at NTRS Garsa last date 16.02.2016
- Tender for Research Microscope with photographic attachment last dated 18.2.2016 at 1.00 PM
- Tender for laminor air flow last dated 18.2.2016 at 1.00 PM
- Tender for Electro Cell Manipulator last dated 18.2.2016 at 1.00PM
- Tender for D Frzeeer -80C last dated 18.2.2016 at 1.00 PM
- Tender for CO2 incubator last dated 18.2.2016 at 1.00 PM
- Tender for climate chamber last dated 18.2.2016 at 1.00 PM
- Tender for BOD Incubator with humidity controller last dt. 18.2.2016 at 1.00 PM
- Tender for Binocular Microscope last dated 18.2.2016 at 1.00PM
- Security Tender Notice last date 10.02.2016
- Auction Notice last dt.18-02-16
- Limited Tender Supply of Lab. Tables Dt. Extended 5.2.16
- Limited tender for Maize at Garsa last date 11.02.2016
- Quotation for Appointment of Clearing Agent on 9.2.2016
- Quotation for Rabbit Rearing (ARU) at Garsa
- Quotation for House keeping work for Guest House at Garsa last dt 03.02.2016
- Tender for Split Air conditioner last dt 2.02.2016
- Tender for sheep grazing at NTRS Garsa last dt 2-2-16
- Nilami Suchna for sale of fuel wood and grass on 9.2.2016 at ARC Bikaner
- Tender for Security at NTRS Garsa last date 28.01.2016
- Trector Trolly at ARC, Bikaner last date 19.01.2016
- Maize Tender at NTRS Garsa
- Quotation for Driver last date 23.01.2016 at Garsa
- Tender for laboratory Table last date 21-01-2016
- Tender for Rate Contract of Printing publication work last date 19.01.2016
- Tender Notice GFA
- Quotation for Driver last dt.7-1-2016
- Tender for texturometer last date 07.01.2016 at 1.00 PM
- Tender for stereo zoom microscope last date 08.01.2016 at 1.00PM
- Tender for Software (Image analysis software) last dated 07.01.2016 at 1.00 PM
- Tender for cell counter last dated 08.01.2016 at 1.00 PM
- Tender for 2 D electro phoresis last dated 07.01.2016 at 1.00PM
- Tendeer for -80C Deep freezer last date 07.01.2016 at 1.00PM
- Revise Tender and Nilami Suchana at ARC, Bikaner
- Quotation for Tech asstt 2
- Quotation for Tech asstt
- Ber Nilami Notice last date 08.12.2015
- Hydrolic troli tender date extend
- Limited Quotation for highring of Charted Accountant last date 27-11-2015
- Labtech on contract last date 18-11-2015
- Tender for Hydraulic Tractor Troli last date 06.11.2015
- Auction of unserviceable items last date 19.10.2015
- Limited tender for Purchase of spectrophotometer on 05.102015
- Limited tender for Purchase of water activeity meter on 05.10.2015
- Tender for feed Last date 06.10.2015
- Computer Job work at NTRS, Garsa last date 29.09.15
- Tender notice for date extension at Bikaner
- Limited Tender for repair of Truck last date 22-9-2015
- Tender for Sheep shearing last date 18-09-2015
- Tender form for Agriculture Job at ARC, Bikaner last date 10.09.2015
- Nivida Suchna NTRS Garsa Last date 15.09.2015
- Corrigendum in Tender for purchase of Anaerobic Chamber on 02.09.2015
- Tender for job contract last date 10.09.2015
- Computer Job work at NTRS, Garsa last date10.9.15
- Tender for Agriculture Job last date 10.09.2015
- Sallater Meat limited tender 2015-16 last date 14-09-2015
- Tender forpurchase of bio sefty cabinet on 1.9.2015
- Tender for purchase of Up-gradation of HPLC on 2.9.2015
- Tender for purchase of Stereo Zoom Microscope on 1.9.2015
- Tender for purchase of Real time PCR on 1.9.2015
- Tender for purchase of Deep frzeer -80C on 2.9.2015
- Tender for purchase of cell counter on 01.09.2015
- Tender for purchase of anaerobic chamber on 2.9.2015
- Tender for purchase of Texturometer on 2.9.2015
- Limited tender for Rate Contract of Printing publication work last date 31-08-2015
- Sale of Angora Wool
- Revised tender notice Bikaner
- Tender for Computer Work at NTRS, Garsa LD 2.7.15
- Tender for Sheep shearing last date 15-07-2015
- Revised tender notice culled animal
- Quotation for progesterone powder on dt.09.07
- limited tender quotation for purchase of feeding trough last date 6.7.2015
- quotation CD4 + CD 8a Molecule & inter feron gamma ELISA KIT on 30.6
- Tender Notice
- Tender from for Sheep Shearing Contract
- Tender from for Sale of dry trees
- Tender form for Kheti Hissa Padti cintract
- Revised tender notice
- Tender Notice at NTRS last date 19.06.2015
- Limited Tender for Printer Cartridge last date of 26-06-2015
- Limited tender for extending the existing networkig facility last dated 26.06.2015 at 1.00PM
- Limited Tender for Printer Cartridge last date of 26.06.2015
- Tender for Sheep rearing work at Sector No 9 Phy. Div. last date 15.06.2015
- Tender for Sheep rearing work at Sector No 12 AGB Div. last date 15.06.2015
- Tender quotation for culled animal at ARC Bikaner last dt 09.06.2015
- Tender for Culled animal last date 15.06.2015
- Tender for agriculture nursery work at farm section last date 15.06.2015
- Tender for Sheep rearing work at Sector No 18 AGB Div. last date 27.05.2015
- Tender for Sheep rearing work at Sector No 15 AGB Div. last date 27.05.2015
- Tender for Sheep rearing work at Sector No 13 AGB Div. last date 27.05.2015
- Tender for Sheep rearing work at Sector No 12 AGB Div. last date 27.05.2015
- Tender for Sheep rearing work at Sector No 10 Nut. Div. last date 27.05.2015
- Tender for Sheep rearing work at Sector No 9 Phy. Div. last date 27.05.2015 -
- Tender for Goat rearing work last date 27.05.2015
- Revisied Tender Notice for Grazing contract
- Tender for feed grain last date 12.05.2015
- Limited Quotation for Prepration of Showl last date 08-05-2015
- Two Vehicle diesel jeep for auction
- tender for House keeping work for Guest House Avikanagar and P G Hostal last date 30-04-2015
- tender for tree loping pala khejadi and other leaves last date 29.04.2015
- tender for nursery work at farm section last date 29.04.2015
- tender for maintance of sector 8 and 9 Kektus and Senjana gardan last date 30.04.2015
- tender for hirering of Tractor driver last date 29-04-2015
- tender for green fodder production for farm section last date 29-04-2015
- tender for agriculture work at sector no 14 last date 30.04.2015
- tender for agriculture work at sector no 8 last date 30.04.2015
- tender for agriculture work at block no 12 last date 30.04.2015
- Quotation for Agriculture work under institute farmer participatory programme last date 29-04-2015
- Tender form for grazing contract at ARC Bikanaer
- Tender Notice for date extension
- Revised Short term Limited Tender Quotation for purchase of Automatic Weather Station last dated 23.3.2015
- Revised tender notice for date extension
- Short term limited tenderquotation for purchase of automatic weather station last dated 23.3.2015
- Tender for Providing skilled workers on contract basic last date 31-03-2015
- Tender quotation Microscope with photographic last dated 23.3.2015
- Tender for maintinance of rabbit cages wool shearing etc at NTRS Garsa
- Limited tender quotation for Binocular Microscope last 16.3.2015
- Tender for maintance of sector 9 Kektus and Senjana gardan
- Tender for Institute Cleaning & Sweeping work
- Tender for House keeping work for Gust House Jaipur
- Tender for House keeping work for Guest House Avikanagar and P G Hostal
- Tender for horticulture work
- Tender for green fodder production for farm section
- Tender for disposal of Goat milk
- Limited tender quotation for online 5 KV UPS last date 16.03.2015
- Tender for purchase of blood anlyser last date 04.03.2015
- Tender Notice for ARC Bikaner
- Tender quatation for Wool Shearing contract ARC Bikaner last dt. 12.03.15
- Tender quatation for Sheep grazing contract ARC Bikaner last dt.11.03.15
- Tender quatation for Semi skilled and skilled workers on contract ARC Bikaner last dt 13.03.15
- Tender Quatation for Security contract ARC Bikaner last date 10.03.15
- Tender Quatation for Kisan Ghar ARC Bikaner last date 12.03.15
- Tender quatation for Culled animal ARC Bikaner last date 12.03.15
- Quotation for purchase of Colorimeter spectrometer on 2.3.2015
- Quotation for purchase of Warm stage Microscope on 2.3.2015
- Tender for housekeeping work for kishan hostal last date 18-02-2015
- Tender for feed last date 27.02.2015
- Limited tender for purchase of small volume neno drop spectrophotmeter last dt 4-2-15
- Quotation for Balance maintanance last date 5-2-15
- Quotation for water supply items last dt 2-2-15
- Tender Notice at NTRS Garsa
- Nivida Suchhana at NTRS garsa
- Quotation Notice at NTRS Garsa
- Tender for blood analyer last date 06.01.2015
- Tender for Water active meter last date 09-12-2014
- Nilami at cswriarc Bikaner on dated 10.12.2014
- Tender for blood analyzer last date 09.12.14
- Quatation for Tonner last date 1-12-14
- Quotation Tender notice for maintenance and care of rabbit and rabbitry last date 11.11.2014
- Tender for Diffeent types of Equipments last date 26.11.2014
- Quotation for Internal Auditor Traning last date 18-11-2014
- Quotation for Tent house last date 30.10.2014
- Quotation for Modular Furniture last date 05.11.2014
- Quotation for supply of Feed mixer last date 12.11.2014
- Tender for Purchase of Willy Mill last date 30.10.2014
- Tender for purchase of Stirred water bath digital last date 31.10.2014
- Tender for Purchase of Small Volume Spectrophotmetar last date 30.10.2014
- Tender for purchase of metabolic cages last date 30.10.2014
- Tender for purchase of Inverted Microscope last date 31.10.2014
- Tender for purchase of Computer Colour Machine last date 31.10.2014
- Tender for purchase of Bomb Calorimeter last date 30.10.2014
- tender for purchase of Binocular research Microscope last date 31.10.2014
- Tender for purchase of Autoclave Vertical type last date 31.10.2014
- Tender for purchase of Analytical Balance last date 30.10.2014
- Tender for maintenance of Kishan Hostal and mess last date 28.10.2014
- Quotation for carpentery items last date 13.10.2014
- Quotation for Water supply items last date 13.10.2014
- Tender for different type of iron items last date 13.10.2014
- Dumba sheep Nilami suchana 30.09.2014
- Nilami Suchana 14.10.2014
- Nilami Suchana 08.10.2014
- Corrigendum limiited tender vehicle hiring ar ARC Bikaner
- AUCTION - 2014
- Limited Tender for Inst water supply last date 25.09.2014
- Limited Tander for Agriculture production Farm Section last date 25.09.2014
- Tender for sewan grass and beej at ARC Bikaner last darte 01.10.2014
- Corrigendum limiited tender vehicle hiring ar ARC Bikaner
- Quotation for disposal of slaughter meat last date 24.09.2014
- Tender notice for Technical Labour Work in Animal Health Division last date 25.09.2014
- Live stock Assistant work contract tender inviting date extended upto 30.08.14
- Corrigendum for Limited Tender AC and Refrigerator
- Tander for rate contract of chemical glassware plasticware and petty lab items last date 16.09.2014
- Limited Tender Modular Work station
- NIVIDA HIRING VEHICLE at ARC Bikaner last date 08.09.2014
- Quotation for renovation of rooms for AI Lab Last date 01.09.2014
- Tender for Ant virus last date 30.08.2014
- Nivida stock assistant last date 26.08.2014
- Quotation for supply of Air conditioners & Refrigeretor last date 21.08.14
- Switch L 3 Postal quatation
- Quotation for Institute Cloths Washing last date 26.06.2014
- Tender for Institute Printing Work last date 17.06.2014
- Tander farm for Anjan Grass Production last date 13.06.2014
- Tander Farm Agriculture production Last date 13.06.2014
- Tender for Goat milk last date 18-6-2014
- Tender for Vehicle hiring last date 18-6-2014
- Tender for slaughter meat last date 18-06-2014
- Tender for culled surples Animal last date 18-6-2014
- Tender for Vehicle Driver last date 17.06.2014
- Tender for Tractor Driver last date 17.06.2014
- Tender for Sector 18 last date 16.06.2014
- Tender for Sector 15 last date 16.06.2014
- Tender for Sector 13 last date 16.06.2014
- Tender for Sector 12 last date 16.06.2014
- Tender for Physiology Division last date 16.06.2014
- Tender for Nutrition Division last date 16.06.2014
- Tender for Institute Water Supply last date 16.06.2014
- Tender for Goat Sector last date 16.06.2014
- Tender for GFA Non Arabel Land Agriculture work last date 17.06.2014
- Tender for GFA Arabel Land Agriculture work last date 17.06.2014
- Tender for Feed Prepration last date 17.06.2014
- Tender for Electrical AMC work last date 16.06.2014
- Tender for Collection of Pala, Ardu, Khejadi Leaves 17.06.2014
- Tender for Chandsen Sector Agriculture work last date 17.06.2014
- Tender for Carpentar Plumber Masson and Velder last date 17.06.2014
- Tender for Animal Health Division last date 16.06.2014
- vehicle auction on 05-06-2014
- Quotation for Appointment of Clearing Agent
- Quotation for Anjan Grass production 28.05.2014
- Quotation for Agriculture production 28.05.2014
- Tender crop production on sharing basis last date 23.05.2014
- Tender document for purchase of shearing machine last date 20.05.2014.pdf
- Auction of vehicles last date 6.5.2014
- Limited quotation for Internal Auditor Training last date 28.03.14
- Tender for Tractor Driver at ARC, Bikaner last date 22.03.2014
- Tender for Culled animal at ARC, Bikaner last date 21.03.2014
- Tender for Grazing contract at ARC, Bikaner last date 21.03.2014
- Tender for security Contract at ARC, Bikaner last date 22.03.2014
- Tender for Shearing contract at ARC, Bikaner last date 21.03.14
- Corrigendu of m Quotation for Hosted Virtual call center facility with Toll free number
- Tender Notice
- Tender for TMTC Div Wool Processing work last date 21.03.2014
- Tender for tree loping pala ardu khejadi leaves last date 21.03.2014
- Tender for Sheep shearing last date 20.03.2014
- Tender for Sheep Grazing at Sector no 13&18 last date 20.03.2014
- tender for Sheep Grazing at Sector 12and18 Last date 20.03.2014
- Tender for Institute Water Supply work last date 20.03.2014
- Tender for Horticulture Nursery work last date 20.03.2014
- Tender for Goat Grazing last date 20.03.2014
- Tender for Experimental Sheep grazing phy., nut. health last date 20.03.2014
- Tender for Electrical AMC work last date 20.03.2014
- Tender for Cleaning, Sweeping and Siverage work last date 20.03.2014
- Tender for Cleaning, Sweeping and Siverage work last date 20.03.2014
- Tander for Tractor Driver last date 21.03.2014
- Tander for plumber carpenter velder and masson work last date 20.03.2014
- Tander for making feed last date 21.03.2014
- Tander for JCB Machine work last date 21.03.2014
- Tander for Green fodder production at Farm Section last date 21.03.2014
- Tander for Gawar Choula & Bazra production last date 21.03.2014
- Tander for Forage Hervarium at Chandsen Sector Farm section last date 21.03.2014
- Tander for Cultivate fodder production last date 21.03.2014
- Tander for Agriculture work at GFA Section last date 21.03.2014
- Tender document for purchase of shearing machine 21.3.2014
- Tender for Hired vehicle last date 20.03.2014
- Quotation for Internal Auditor Traning 06.03.2014
- Tender for Plasticware Glassware Chemical & Petty Lab items 06.03.2014
- Quotation for Hosted Virtual call centre facility with toll free number
- Tender for Culled animal
- Tender for Feed Block
- Tender for kook in Kisan Ghar
- Tender for Security work
- Tender for Sheep grazing
- Tender for Sheep Shearing
- Tender for Sweeping work
- Tender for Tractior Driver
- Tender Notice
- Tender for hairing drivers last date 10.02.2014
- Tender for D.B.T Project last date 10-2-2014
- Quotation for the supply of Microscope
- Tender for GFA tender notice
- quotation notice for driving of veh 2012
- Tender for JOb Contract last date 7.05.2013 & 9.05.2013