Research Achievements
- A freezing protocol based on total control of cooling and freezing rates was developed for ex-situ conservation of sheep breed in the form of spermatozoa.
- Non-invasive Transcervical Artificial Insemination Technique was developed and refined for utilizing frozen ram semen.
- Validation of computer-aided semen analysis (CASA) technique for assessment of motion characteristics of ram spermatozoa
- The influence of FecB gene introgression on sperm production and quality was reported for the first time.
- First time reported the influence of age on CASA derived sperm motion characteristics of ram lambs raised under intensive management system in a semi-arid tropical environment.
- Use of Gonadotrophin (FSH, PMSG) and Gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) in various combinations was successful in inducing multiple ovulations in native sheep. The estrus response ranged from 88.8 to 100 per cent.
- Multiple ovulations were observed in ewes immunized with 30 mer inhibin peptide and its effect persisted profoundly for 3 years as exhibited in terms of 5.3 ovulation rate.
- Recovery of 24 in vivo produced Garole embryos of transferable quality in a single flush was reported. This is the highest recovery for any embryo donor sheep breed reared under tropical environment.
- Garole lambs born of significantly higher birth weight were reported for the first time in the world on transfer of Garole embryos in large size non-prolific recipient ewes.
- Birth of first lamb in the country was achieved from frozen sheep embryo.
- Full-term lamb was produced for the first time in the country from embryo derived from IVM-IVF-IVC techniques.
- Developed heat stress module and nutritional stress module in sheep.
- Thermal stress has an adverse effect on physiological responses, blood parameters and reproductive efficiency of ewes.
- Body condition score of 3-3.5 of ewes is optimum at the time of mating and during gestation for achieving higher lambing and birth weight of lambs.
- Awassi and Patanwadi crossbred lambs were produced in farmers’ flocks through artificial insemination technique using liquid semen.
Technology developed
- Artificial insemination in sheep using liquid semen
- Estrus synchronization in ewes by prostaglandin F2
- Superovulation protocol for Indian native and crossbred sheep
- Laparoscope aided embryo transfer in sheep
- Laparoscope aided intrauterine artificial insemination
- Transcervical artificial insemination in sheep using frozen semen
- Cryopreservation of ovine germ plasm
- Birth of lambs from frozen-thawed embryos
- Design and fabrication of sponge and applicator for large ruminants
Technology commercialized
- Estrus synchronization using indigenously developed sponges