Major Achievements during the XI th Plan period:
- Supply of superior germplasm to the sheep breeders which has improved the body weight of progeny by 5.95% to 14.92% at different growth stages and greasy fleece yield has increased by 14.92%.
- Production of extra lambs through application of advanced reproduction technologies like synchronization of estrus, artificial insemination and treatment of anoestrus animals in the farmers flock has increased the income of the sheep breeders.
- A total of 859 field demonstrations were conducted on farmers fields for Horti-pasture, silvi-pasture and agro-forestry systems in order to ensure round the year fodder availability.
- Importance of nutritional supplementation of weaner lambs for higher meat production was demonstrated, where average body weight of supplemented lambs was 10.40 Kilograms higher than non supplemented at finishing age. Nutritional supplementation at critical physiological stages has been demonstrated where, the lambing rate in flushed ewes were higher by 10% as compare to non flushed ewes and the average milk yield was 116-340 grams higher in supplemented ewes than non supplemented ewes.
- Mortality rate has been reduced from 20% to 5% in the flocks of sheep breeders in the Institute adopted villages through Institute recommended health care practices.
- Training of local artisans for manufacture of handmade namda (felt) from indigenous wool and handloom carpet was undertaken. Consultancy on felt, woolen textiles and shawl making was given to industry. Wool and nylon blended carpet as developed.
- A total of 25 Exhibitions were stalled for demonstration of Institute technologies in different organizations, 115 Exposure visits for farmers, 27 field days, 178 press notes,3 sheep melas and 15 Television programmes were organized during the period. Linkages with State and Central Government Organizations, farmer groups and NGOs etc. were established. Technical literatures in the form of Prasar Patra, Leaflets, Pamphlets, technical bulletins, posters, documentary videos on institute technologies were developed and radio talks and TV interviews were given.
Impact on local community / Nation
The income of marginal and small farmers has increased due to
- Reduced mortality in sheep
- Increased income from fat lamb production
- Increased lamb production
- Improvement of body weight using superior quality ram
- Increased fodder production, ensuring adequate availability during lean period.
- Employment generation through training on handloom carpet production.
National/ International collaboration:
A project covering 50,000 sheep for demonstration of economic benefits of advanced technologies to sheep breeders in Tonk, Ajmer and Jaipur districts and establishment of ram raising units of Malpura and Chokla breeds was initiated in collaboration with the CWDB, Jodhpur in 2011. During 2012, an additional 50,000 sheep will be covered in the Nagaur region under CWDB project.
Future vision:
- To increase the reach of Institute technologies to the sheep breeders from all parts of the country through radio farm schools, SMS Alert service, Prasar Patra, Extension literatures, documentary videos and collaboration with NABARD, CWDB and State Animal Husbandry Departments of sheep rearing states.
- To establish information kiosk based Stand alone user-friendly interactive multimedia information system for small ruminant production.
- To establish call centre for solving problems of small ruminant producers from all over the country.