Thrust Area & Infrastructure
Thrust Areas
The priorities of Institute is to undertake research, training and extension programme for improving meat and wool production of sheep and to develop processing technology of sheep products.
- Sheep genetic resource improvement, conservation and introgression of Fec B gene for enhancing mutton and wool production
- Feed resource improvement and rehabilitation of common property resources, sloppy lands by establishment of agro-forestry, horti pasture.
- Identification of newer feed resources and their utilization in animal feeding
- Nutritional manipulation for enhancing pre- and post- weaning growth in lambs for enhancing mutton production
- Accelerated lambing system to achieve target of three crops in two years and higher life time production
- Estrus synchronization, semen preservation and artificial insemination in sheep
- Health technologies for sheep flock
- Modified worm management technology for sheep
- Diagnostic technologies for sheep diseases
- Biotechnological intervention for enhancing mutton and wool production
- Aesthetic and durable carpet and blankets from indigenous wool and its blends
- Improved quality Bharat Merino wool blended shawl
- Natural colours on wool and specialty hair fibres
- Value addition, product development and processing of meat
- Skin processing and value addition
- Sheep manure, vermi compost in agriculture farming
- Marketing of live animal, wool and mutton
- Fine wool production in temperate climate
- Carpet wool production in northwestern region of the country
The infrastructure facilities at this Institute include administrative building, library building, well equipped research laboratories of Animal Physiology, Reproduction, Biochemistry, Animal Health, Animal Nutrition, Animal climatic chamber, Agriculture Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU), Livestock reared is Sheep breeds numbering 3500, Goat 600 numbers. The farm area is 1591 hectare; cenchrus pasture land 175 hectare, forest and ravine land 522 hectare, with residential complex, guest house, auditorium, conference hall, committee room, Human dispensary and Kendriya Vidyalaya project school.