Research Achivement » TMTC
Achievements of the Textile Manufacture and Textile Chemistry Division
- Characterized of indigenous and crossbred wools in terms of their physical, mechanical and chemical properties
- Development of high quality blankets using indigenous wool in blend with medium fine wool and chemical finishing
- Quality hand knotted carpet from Indian wool-nylon blends with less abrasion loss, good resiliency and colour fastness
- Development of handloom woven carpet from Indian wool affordable for middle income group consumers and hill regions
- Development of shawl from Bharat merino wool and improvisation in whiteness, softness and pilling resistance of shawl through chemical finishing
- Development of economically viable natural dyes for wool and other animal fibres with good washing and light fastness properties
- Non-woven felt for technical textiles from Indian wool blends
- Quality namda preparation from Indian wools
- Software for forecasting quality of hand knotted carpet based on fibre, yarn and carpet physical attributes
- Extraction of DNA from processed wool & Pashmina blended fabrics and identification using PCR based technique
- Development of pure Pashmina yarn using poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) as carrier fibre for spinning and development of chemical finishing to improve whiteness and handle
- Natural dyes with antimicrobial and antimoth properties for wool & speciality hairs
- Development of value added products from speciality hair fibres Pashmina, camel hair, yak, equine hairs
Future Thrust Areas
- Setting up of referred advanced animal fibre characterization lab to identify and differentiate animal fibre through advanced characterization techniques
- Development of engineered fabrics out of animal fibres using advanced weaving, knitting and felting technology
- Development of easy care knit wears with Indian wool blends
- Development of quality hand knotted and handloom carpets through yarn engineering and process optimisation
- Development of eco friendly non hazardous lustre improvement finish for Indian wools
- Development of technical textiles viz. high thermal insulation blankets, cold protective clothing, bullet-proof cloths, fire-retardant, chemical and bio-warfare protective textiles,
- Development of various nano and bio technology based chemical finishing process to impart functionality, aesthetic and comfort property to wool and animal fibre products
- Development of wide range of handicraft and khadi based woollen products with intricate designs out of wool and other animal fibre.
- Identification of lustre related genes of Indian wools and improving the non lustrous wool
- Identification and differentiation of luxurious speciality hair fibre through DNA based PCR techniques