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BackSouthern Regional Research Centre organized three days training program under SCSP

 Southern Regional Research Centre (SRRC) of ICAR-CSWRI, Mannavanur organized three days’ training programme on "Livelihood Improvement through Sheep and Broiler Rabbit Farming" under Scheduled Caste Sub-plan (SCSP) during 24.07.2022 to 26.07.2022. The training program was inaugurated in the august presence Dr Arun Kumar Tomar, Hon’ble Director, ICAR-CSWRI and Quinquennial Review Team (QRT) headed by Prof. Dr P K Uppal. Officer Incharge, SRRC, Mannavanur, Dr P Thirumurugan welcomed the Director & QRT team and briefed about the training program and other SCSP activities of the centre. Dr Tomar and Dr Uppal congratulated the team SRRC for organizing the program and wished the participants a successful training. Dr Sarma and Dr Kumarasamy, QRT members delivered special address to the participants explaining the importance of trainings. Dr S Jegaveera Pandian, Sr. Scientist & Incharge Training looked after the conducting training classes and hands on training in the farm about breeding, feeding and health aspects of sheep and rabbit management. During the training program practical aspects of animal handling, shelter management, and feeding management were also demonstrated by the scientists of SRRC. Dr Pachaiyappan K, coordinated the training in which a total of 50 farmers belonging to Schedule Caste participated. The program concluded on 26.07.2022 with certificate distribution to the participants.