BackInteractive meet with sheep farmers of BAIF, Kalu at ARC, Bikaner
An interaction meeting was on 13.12.2021 for about thirty sheep farmers from Lunkarnsar area in association with BAIF, Kalu institution. Program was organized under the aegis of ITC mission Sunhara Kal program taken by BAIF organization. Dr H K Narula, Head, ARC, Bikaner formally welcomed the Chief guest of the program, Dr Arun Kumar Tomar, Director, ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar and other dignitaries and participants. Dr H K Narula explained the improved technologies developed by CSWRI suitable for western Rajasthan and urge them to adopt these technologies to increase the income. Dr. Arun Kumar discussed with sheep farmers about their difficulties faced during sheep rearing and inspired them to come forward to learn the new innovation beneficial in sheep husbandry. Ten superior breeding rams were also distributed under ATMA component among sheep farmers. Dr Ashish Chopra, Dr Nirmala Saini and Dr Ashok Kumar interacted with sheep farmers and tried to give solutions of their queries. Mr Sanjay Verma, Sr Project Engineer, BAIF and Mr Sumati Saghothia, Sr Distt Project officer thanked all dignitaries and speakers for fruitful interaction