BackExhibition of CSWRI technologies in Kisan mela at CAZRI, Jodhpur
Exhibition of institute technologies was stalled on 19th September 2013 at Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI), Jodhpur on the occasion of Kisan mela and Farm Innovation day. Dr.Suresh kumar, Acting Director, CAZRI with Chief guests of the event Dr. A.K. Purohit (Ex- Director of extension education, SKRAU, Bikaner) and sh. Rajendra singh solanki chairman Jodhpur development authority visited our stall and appreciated the technologies developed by CSWRI. Farmers from different parts of the state visited the stall and discussed with scientists on different aspects like breeds, elite ram, disease management and training on sheep and rabbit production. Out of 22 stalls from different ICAR institutes, SAUs, NGOs, private companies and State agricultural departments, CSWRI stall was chosen as the best stall and awarded first prize in the event.
