BackICAR-CSWRI Avikanagar organized the event “Farmer-Scientist Sangosthi” on 17th March 2018
As per the directive received from the Hon’ble DG, ICAR New Delhi (Reference – D.O. No. A.Ext. 09-10/2018-AE11 Dated the 27th Feb, 2018), ICAR-CSWRI Avikanagar organized following events on 17th March 2018 at the Institute
· Farmer-Scientist Sangosthi
· Organized Live animal exhibition and displayed different technologies of the institute with the theme “Doubling the farmer’s Income”.
· Live web telecast of the Hon’ble Prime Minister ( 11:30 AM to 01:30 PM) from “Krishi Unnati Mela’ New Delhi which was witnessed by more than 1000 participants including farmers, Public Representate (MLAs, Pradhan, Sarpanch etc.), Students and Staff.
· Free distribution of elite RAMS (Avishan) to the Progressive Farmers for improvement and dissemination of sheep breeding plan.
· Releasing and distribution of folder among participants entitled “More Sheep per Sheep”
· Training programme of farmers under “Farmer FIRST Programme”.
· Visit of invited dignitaries and farmers at different sheep sectors and forage demonstration unit.
For the mentioned events invited guest were
ü Dr. K.K. Saharia, Member ICAR-GB.,
ü Sh. Kanhaiya lal Choudhary, MLA, Malpura-Todaraisingh
ü Sh. Shatrughna Gautam, MLA, Kekri
ü Miss Saroj Choudhary, Pradhan, Panchayat Samiti Malpura.
ü Sh. Badri Narayan Choudhary, Mahamantri, Bhartiya Krishan Sansthan,
ü Sh. Krishna Murari, Pradesh Sanghathan Matri, Bhartiya Kisan Sangh, Rajasthan and
ü Sarpanchs of adjoining village panchayats.