The economic benefits of estrus synchronization (ES) have been realized, regardless of how the sheep are bred (artificial or natural). Estrus synchronization with natural service is usually cost prohibitive because more number of rams are required to breed ewes during short period. Artificial insemination (AI) with chilled liquid semen came out logical, cost-effective alternative and ES save the labour. The economic benefits are more when ES and AI approach are used together as a reproductive management tool.
Under Transfer of Technology project of the institute, the use of ES and AI together (ESAI) has been demonstrated to progressive farmers. Considering benefits of ESAI, a poor farmer Sh. Heera Lal Jat of village-Kuhada Bujurg, District Tonk having 35 ewes without breeding ram approached us for AI of his flock with semen of elite rams. All the ewes were induced and synchronized using intra-vaginal progesterone impregnated sponges and PMSG (200 IU) protocol (Fig. 1) developed at institute. Sponges were inserted in the vagina for 12 days. At the time of sponge removal, the ewes were treated with gonadotropins (PMSG, 200 IU). Fixed time AI with chilled semen (twice after 36 and 48 hrs of sponge withdrawal) was performed. Patanwadi semen (a medium to large-sized sheep breed of Gujrat) was collected, evaluated and diluted 1:1 in EYMG dilutor and semen with >80 % progressive motility and high sperm concentration was used.
Thirty-three (94.3 %) ewes exhibited estrus within 2 days of sponge removal. Artificial Insemination of synchronized ewes gave birth of 28 healthy Patanwadi x Malpura crossbred lambs with an average birth weight of 4.2 kg. Sh. Heera Lal Jat raised the lambs up to 6 month of age and earned Rs 20000 through sale of lambs in market. Lambs born through ESAI techniques using Patanwadi breed were heavier at market age compare to lambs born from Malpura through natural mating in the villages. Further, ESAI induced estrus in 95 % ewes thus more lambs were harvested compare to natural mating. ESAI is choice of technique for maximising lamb production within shortest possible time and increase economic benefit to the farmers. This innovative farmer was exemplary for the laggards and many farmers namely Ghisha Nayak and Shanker also adopted ESAI technique in their flocks.