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BackFarmers-scientists interactive meet and Malpura Ram distribution to the registered farmers of Malpura sheep project (NWPSI) at CSWRI

A farmers-scientists interactive meet as well as distribution of elite Malpura rams to the registered farmers of Malpura sheep project under Network Project on Sheep Improvement (NWPSI) was organized at sector no. 15 of AGB Division, ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar on 9-10-2024. In this programme 18 registered farmers of 7 villages of the project area have been benefitted with track suit and 3farmers were benefitted with one elite Malpura ram each for genetic improvement of their sheep. The project is being implemented both at the Institute farm and farmers field through farmer participatory approach. The registered farmers are regularly being supplied with genetically improved rams and also supported by health and other managemental interventions. And also the Scheduled caste farmers have been benefitted with different inputs under SCSP budget of the project. Dr. Arun Kumar Tomar, Director, CSWRI welcomed to the Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Deputy Director General (Animal Science) ICAR- Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi as well as other participants and farmers from different villages. Dr. Tomar explained in details about the Malpura breed improvement programme being carried out in the farmers’ field and the yearling growth performance almost more than 60% achieved since inception (1975).  Dr Bhata interacted with the farmers, especially women farmers associated with the Malpura sheep project. Dr. S S Misra, Incharge PC and Head, AGB Division, Dr P K Mallick, Pr Scientist and PI of the project, Dr. SMK Thirumaran Scientist and other AGB staff participated in the programme.