BackInauguration of renovated fibre physics lab
Valedictory function of training on “woolen product manufacturing and designing” for rural women
The renovated and modernized fiber physics laboratory was inaugurated by Dr. D. Ramarao, National Director, National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) in presence of Dr. S. M. K. Naqvi, Director, CSWRI. The fibre physics lab has now been equipped with state of the art research facilities and instruments such as Instron, Single yarn strength tester, Computerized microscope, Pilling box tester, Stelometer, Drapemeter, Bursting strength tester, etc. The lab has now able to test any textile material including specialty hair fibers, right from fiber to finished fabric stage.
Three months training program on woolen product manufacturing and designing for rural women was organized at the institute from March 24-June 21, 2014. Dr. D. Ramarao, National Director, National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) presided over the valedictory function as a chief guest. Mr. Anurag Purohit, Technical Officer, Central Wool Development Board, Jodhpur (Ministry of Textile, Govt. Of India) was also present as a guest. Dr. S. M. K. Naqvi, Director, CSWRI welcomed the guests. In the welcome address Dr. D. B. Shakyawar, I/c TMTC and program director informed about the activities conducted under the training program such as yarn spinning on Charkha, hand embroidery work on shawls, namda handicrafts, etc. In the presidential address, Dr. S. M. K. Naqvi appreciated efforts made by the division and elaborated on the importance of women empowerment in the present scenario. There is a lot of potential in the handicraft segment through coarse wool utilization for development of diversified products, he said. Mr. Anurag Purohit mentioned the important role of CSWRI in various development schemes of CWDB. Dr. Ramarao, in his chief guest address said that getting regular feedback from the trainees, once the training is over, is a crucial aspect to define success of the program in its true sense. He appreciated the infrastructure and the new initiatives taken up by the institute. Certificates were distributed to all the participants by the Chief Guest. On this occasion Drs. Sankhyan, Davendra Kumar, Mishra, Sharma and Er. Ajay Kumar etc. were present. The program was coordinated by Er Vinod Kadam, Scientist, TMTC and In-charge HRD section.