Human Resource Development
Human Resource Development activity in the Institute is carried out by encouraging the scientists as well as other staff members to undertake higher training, participate in seminars, conferences, symposia, trainings etc. The scientists are also encouraged to undertake subject specific trainings according to their area of research work. Scientists are also motivated to act as resource persons/instructors for providing trainings to the extension personnel from state development agencies and SAUs/ ICAR Institutes.
The HRD section of the Institute organizes practical training program for the benefit of farmers and up gradation of knowledge of extension workers of state agencies.
Training Programs:
Following training programs are organized as per demand:
- Training program on sheep production for farmers.
- Training program on sheep production for extension workers and veterinary officers.
- Training program on rabbit production for farmers.
- Training program on quality evaluation of animal fibers
Advanced Training:
The advanced training for scientists and middle level professionals of SAUs are organized on demand on following areas:
- Artificial insemination in sheep
- Estrous synchronization and embryo transfer technology
- Quality evaluation, Processing and product development out of wool and specialty hair fibre